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Ensuring Tommorrow's Forest
Through Today's Management
What's New?
NOW OFFERING non-commercial forest stand improvement & invasive plant species management with a tree-shear attached to a mini-excavator.

Qualified Forest Program (QFP)
The Qualified Forest Program (QFP) provides a property tax exemption for private landowners who actively manage their forests and woodlands for commercial harvest. The goal of the program is to fuel regional economies through timber harvest and individual tax savings.
A maximum 18 mill reduction of school operating taxes on non-homestead property with the Qualified Forest School Tax Affidavit.
The Qualified Forest Taxable Value Affidvit prevents the “uncapping” of a property’s taxable value when a parcel currently enrolled in QFP changes ownership.
Parcels must be 20 acres or larger to qualify.
Parcels from 20-39 acres must be a least 80 percent stocked with forest capable of producing wood products.
Parcels from 40-640 acres must be at least 50 percent stocked with forest capable of producing wood products.
A forest management plan is required for the parcels being enrolled.
Contact Us to Talk about Enrollment!
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