Hunting LEases
How it works:
Below you will find the current listings of properties open for lease offers.
Please look at the details and requirements listed and feel free to look at the property in person within the designated times and requirements.
When submitting your bid it is important to make sure you are using the correct Job I.D. #. Simply hit the "Submit Bid" button, fill out the information with your offer, and we will inform you within a few days after the bid opening date of the landowners decision.
See below for terms and conditions.

Sorry, there are no available hunting leases at this time.
If you would like to be added to the email list for hunting leases as they become available, please fill out the form at the following link:
All Properties include the following conditions and terms:
The use of screw-in pegs is strictly prohibited.
All modifications of the property including vegetation manipulation, soil disturbances, and any physical changes to the property must be agreed upon in writing by the landowner.
All treestands must be removed from trees prior to April 1st and not be attached to trees until after August 1st.
Hunters Land Management Services are strictly for the administration of the lease between the landowner and leaser only. disputes beyond signing of the contract and transition of payment are not the responsibility of Hunters Land Management LLC.